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Percentage, Q8
5 Hits, Last modified:
istence was followed by some wars of unification, not too bloody for the Clewgists because they were t... r to Quadrant 0 and the other that it was more economically effective than the other Centauri colonies... made a lot of money as a result. Of particular note is the square kilometre of chestnut trees surrounding the main Clewgist temple on the planet, known to all simply as "The Lodge". The sacred grove
15 Hits, Last modified:
people in the system in 3211. Z155 has a Poor economy. It was founded in 3206. ===== General ===== ... police. Violence between the First Earthers and minority Satanists has marred the colony’s history sin... control of the Colonial Council in 3207 through a no confidence vote, but the CSP regained control thr... l FTP councilors. The Democratic Rights Party is another opposition party. It is led by Ruby Royale, a
Spuk, Q8
11 Hits, Last modified:
the surface of the planet with a very few other minor groups of settlers. In total there were about 40... fore the voting at shareholder meetings. There is no compulsion to 'invest' as direct delivery service... ion) are only available to shareholders. There is no police force other than the corporate security te... ilt. ==== Buck Fast Foods (BFF) ==== BFF are a minor shareholder in the colonization company owning j
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