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T99 - First Minister Ashanti's Resignation speech
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on to those small and less fortunate systems that no-one else cares about. This is the true mission of
T99 - 3211 Election Results - Council of Senators
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the second quarter (by 3211.201). But, unusually no decision has yet been reached on the post of Fir... ays been a rapid decline. But, for the time being no other party is now able to come close to competin
T93 - No Command Economy for Earth
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====== T93 - No Command Economy for Earth ====== dateline: 3211.040 First Minister Ashanti spoke to the Senate telling them that there was no way that Earth was going to move to a command eco... on to those small and less fortunate systems that no-one else cares about. This is the true mission of... d to be carefully limited to ensure that there is no loss of freedom as a result of this war against o
T83 - Sunshine Fund Established
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are: * the colony is independent; * there are no other polities investing in the colony; * there
T78 - Q6 Full Audit Report Published
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cal leaders were closely questioned, and there is no evidence of any conspiracy, collusion or overarch... nepotism were found among various officials, but no more than would be expected of a thorough audit o... he judged to be the best interests of the Empire. No blame is attached to his conduct. === Governor ... ow heightened, and Sirian resolve to retake Amoss no matter how long it takes undiminished, the only p
T77 - IEN New Year Honours
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T76 - Report of Investigation of Disaster at MR901
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tigation and preparing the final report there are no firm conclusions as to why the colony was destroy... Solar Survey ===== The site was investigated and no clear evidence has been found as to the cause. Ac... last astronavigational survey in 3186 there were no unstable asteroid orbits expected to intersect wi... to have received such a direct hit. There are no forensic remains we can find that indicate mass d
T75 - Armstrong Actions Audited
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tuation reports once we are certain that there is no breach to operational security by doing so. {{t
T75 - Hope for the Heart of Humanity
6 Hits, Last modified:
ng to play such childish games; and there will be no tit for tat expulsions. All the SALT observers ar... f humanity; and we have always acted so. There is no greater evidence of this than the sacrifices of t... n enemy of humanity. When they re-appear there is no question that we will not do exactly the same aga... much empty rhetoric and sabre rattling, there is no threat from any human polity to the Empire. I do
T75 - SRE to Withdraw from Treaty of Old London
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as become undermined by those signatories who can no longer be trusted to value it for its contributio... ts contribution from the scouting fleets which it no longer considers to be of significant benefit. =
T75 - Senator Rathbone Denounces Shattered Ceasefire at Amoss
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brutal acts. Not because they agree with them. No, let us be clear of that fact. The Venerians are... ew Venerian regime, with which we can now clearly no longer conduct the diplomacy of trust. All trust
T75 - First Citizen Welcomes Digger and Z179 to Empire
12 Hits, Last modified:
T75 - Boldly Go Mission Report
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T74 - Termination of Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
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the HEBs. Additionally it is clear that there is no wish on the part of either the RNV or MAFC to ent
T73 Q0 IEN Official Communiqué - Further Action at Amoss Q6
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Sirian forces from Amoss orbit so that they could no longer support their ground troops. IEN forces n
T66 Q0 IEN Official Communiqué - Action at Amoss Q6
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Senator Lee Zhang Cleared
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New Foreign Minister - Sebastian Rathbone
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IEN New Constructions to 3208.149
1 Hits, Last modified:
Imperial Party Leadership Latest
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