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22nd April Interrogations
5 Hits, Last modified:
ed to see her Mum. She gave a name and address in North London for her mother that matched her last kn... emainder. He hadn't told Schepping about the plan nor had he asked many questions of Chan. He claimed that England was no longer safe for people like him because of people... ippier character than the other two, and although no specific record showed up for him he clearly had
Schepping Residence
4 Hits, Last modified:
=== A modest terraced house in the Camden area of North London. It is the registered address of [[:p... he early evening of 22 April. On arrival he found no one in. This was confirmed by drone recce using T... 23rd April 2046. Detailed forensic results are not yet available, however the house was found to be
Eurostar Arrests
2 Hits, Last modified:
ed up three people acting suspiciously at Gare du Nord having come off the Eurostar. On questioning th
Operation Hawkeye
3 Hits, Last modified:
ically Modified subjects from surveillance. It is not clear exactly who these people are or how they a... g on the national infrastructure. Exit records do not show that missing GM subjects have left the coun
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