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T75 - Massive Expansion of IEN?
5 Hits, Last modified:
, somewhat unusually as advance press briefing is normal by the IEN. There is some speculation amongst... ill be built to complete an 8 vessel squadron * no more SABI will be built because the First Minister sees no operational value in them * SABI will become th
T75 - Wrong ToOL for Attacking HEBs...
2 Hits, Last modified:
ve all been used to bash Imperial policy. ===== Not Fit For Purpose ===== There have been attacks on... e treaty. IEN sources have been saying that it is not able to support concerted offensive action again
T74 - Hooray Henry!!
1 Hits, Last modified:
here fifteen years ago with a Senator's daughter. Not that Henry had any involvement in that of course
First Minister's Golden Stool
1 Hits, Last modified:
arently the ritual used to be common place but is now relatively rare, confined to be a small group th
Eat Vacuum Red Eyed Freaks
1 Hits, Last modified:
in power. This apology was gracefully accepted. No doubt there will be a gratuitous tit for tat expu
First Citizen to Address Senate?
2 Hits, Last modified:
will play his constitutional role'. Rathbone has not addressed the Senate since the last State openin... ght]]; - [[:universe:earth:people:Kvashnin]]. Notable is the fact that all the front runners are e
New Foreign Minister - Elvis Help Us All!!
6 Hits, Last modified:
"Fill Me, Hilmi"
3 Hits, Last modified:
ll Me, Hilmi" ====== Rumour has it that there is nothing between [[:universe:earth:people:ozkok]] and... certain person in his private office that should not be named. ===== Pregnant ===== A 30 year old w... eported to be pregnant. The father of her baby is not yet clear but it is rumoured that she has been w
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