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Percentage, Q8
3 Hits, Last modified:
istence was followed by some wars of unification, not too bloody for the Clewgists because they were t... made a lot of money as a result. Of particular note is the square kilometre of chestnut trees surro
10 Hits, Last modified:
control of the Colonial Council in 3207 through a no confidence vote, but the CSP regained control thr... oldiers, divided into ten “Legions”. The Corps is not very well trained and only has limited equipment. It had a few locally made armored cars but no serious AFVs. It has received some additional tra... and the First Minister. General Floralpattern has no military training or experience. \\ The Crusader
Spuk, Q8
3 Hits, Last modified:
fore the voting at shareholder meetings. There is no compulsion to 'invest' as direct delivery service... ion) are only available to shareholders. There is no police force other than the corporate security te
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