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Lt. Jacob 'Crackers' Kampf @universe:people
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s. He had a number of postings before joining the now legendary 130th Earther Marine Regiment aboard t... of actions and was with the 130th Regiment on the notorious Operation Blackberry. Kampf was incarcer... doned. As one of the 'Lost 130th' the pardon does not apply to Kampf or his comrades. If captured Kamp
Scouting the outlying sectors
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Hostile Exterminator Builder (HEB) space
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being overall guidance rather than detail. It was noted that it would be impossible to micro-manage at... ) Arrived on first supply run 3212.001 and now on return * LSSI Yamana (SRE) Arrived on first supply run 3213.001 and now on return * LSSI Hanukkah (UoXN) Arrived on first supply run 3214.001 and now on return ==== Scientific Colony Establishment
Applicants @universe:ifu
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9); $BirthGender=$Gender; $GenderChanged="No"; if($Gender==0) { $GenderChange
Chairman William Jackson @universe:people
9 Hits, Last modified:
in Alliance politics with the first election of a non-Minister to the post. The Council had previously... ing shop" where little was done. Jackson's tough, no-nonsense reputation was a major factor in his election. His replacement as High Admiral was Hermione ... Free Worlds Alliance, he negotiated and signed a non-aggression pact with the MAFC and later one with
Background @universe:ifu:t22
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ngaged in meat production all hunt wild megadons (normal practice in newly established colonies, very ... low set up costs compared to farming and you need not do it constantly). Over the year and a half since the farm was set up (well outside normal hunting areas for wild megadons) there have b... e region of 4000cr per animal). This in itself is not disastrous, there is room in the business plan f
Logistics Support to the Combined Human Forces fighting in Sector EJ
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these efforts. There was commitment from most if not all polities at the summit. Implementation of t
Our Man in Havana
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Report into Allegations that a Sentient Artificial Intelligence Device (SAID) was developed by the Greater Asteel Federation Colonial Government based at Over in Quadrant Five.
4 Hits, Last modified:|JIM0000's briefing note on Stickney]]. ===== Executive Summary ===== ... loped at Over, Q5 were true. However the work was not instigated by the GFA Colonial Government, altho... l><font color=red>Awaiting Start</font></html> | |No blame should be attached to Governor Potato, he w
The Bailey Report
27 Hits, Last modified:
rances. The MAFC Intelligence community employed normal human intelligence gathering techniques to tr... planning to take action. However this warning was not received by Lord Bailey until after the operatio... hought to have been killed. However, his body has not been recovered, despite extensive searching. ==... he has been cyborged - though when and by whom is not clear - and nothing of the process can be seen i
Stephen Bailey @universe:people
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on, including Take Thirty and the Fifth Estate. A noted writer, he also contributed numerous articles
11 Hits, Last modified:
Odyssey Mission
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anity Will Prevail]] play by e-mail game.// //None of the material on this domain is canon unless
Interstellar Forerunner Foundation @universe:iff
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Forerunners @universe:iff
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Angeline Floralpattern @universe:people
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Master Map of the Universe 3212 @universe:background
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Operation Boldly Go - Military @universe:boldlygo
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Randomly Generated Officers @universe:earth
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The Free Worlds Alliance-Z155 War @universe:7wda
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Deadlock War of Unification @universe:q1:deadlock
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Church of the Seventh Coming @universe:c7c
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Deadlock @universe:q1
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Operation Boldly Go @universe:boldlygo
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Percentage, Q8 @universe:q8
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Free Worlds Alliance
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Lamster Summit Meeting @universe:7wda
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Z155 @universe:q8
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Nearby Systems @universe:ifu
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James Meyer @universe:people
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Thompson Bequerel @universe:people
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Lamster @universe:7wda
23 Hits, Last modified:
Lady Aelfreda Pasco @universe:people
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Senator Danso Ashanti @universe:people
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Ankh @universe:7wda
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Spuk, Q8 @universe:q8
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Earth Imperium of the Solar Republic @universe:earth
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Operation Boldly Go @universe:boldlygo
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Nose @universe:7wda
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T93 - No Command Economy for Earth @universe:earth:news
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T93 - We Are At War @universe:earth:news
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T89 - Retirment of Admiral Hamill @universe:earth:news
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Morris Miller @universe:people
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Brittany Hevanitski @universe:people
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Interstellar Freelance Unlimited (IFU)
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Blue Hope Colony, T178, Q8 @universe:ifu:t24
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Killiekrankie @universe:7wda
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Economics of Megadon Ranching @universe:economics
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T24 Timeline @universe:ifu:t24
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Micheal Wilson @universe:people
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T83 - Sunshine Fund Established @universe:earth:news
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Old News @universe:earth
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IFU Articles of Association @universe:ifu
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Hermione Xen @universe:people
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T80 - Ashanti Assures Hookum @universe:earth:news
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T79 - Davo Delight @universe:earth:news
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T77 - IEN New Year Honours @universe:earth:news
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People listed by Occupation @universe:people
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T77 - IEN Promotions and Postings @universe:earth:news
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Sir Karla Gnough-Duff, KLH @universe:people
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officers2 @universe:earth
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officers @universe:earth
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King Don Incorporated @universe:ifu:t22
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Advance Recce Report @universe:ifu:t22
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IMPERIAL HONOURS SYSTEM @universe:gf:earth
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T75 - Armstrong Actions Audited @universe:earth:news
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Yehudi Sharan @universe:people
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Universe Personalities @universe:people
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People by Quadrant @universe:people
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Senator Hilmi Ozkok @universe:earth:people
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Frank Buck @universe:people
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Jack Rackham @universe:people
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Lord Stephen Bailey @universe:people
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Hilmi Ozkok @universe:people
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Senator Lee Zhang @universe:people
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Sir George Tryon @universe:people
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People by Nationality @universe:people
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People Categories @universe:people
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Imperial Party (IP) @universe:earth:politics
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Senator Danso Tupac Ashanti, LoH @universe:earth:people
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Firstname Surname @universe:people
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T75 - Boldly Go Mission Report @universe:earth:news
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T75 - Massive Expansion of IEN? @universe:havana
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T75 - Wrong ToOL for Attacking HEBs... @universe:havana
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T74 - Hooray Henry!! @universe:havana
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First Minister's Golden Stool @universe:havana
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Eat Vacuum Red Eyed Freaks @universe:havana
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Earth Imperium Politics @universe:earth:people
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First Citizen to Address Senate? @universe:havana
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Government in the Solar Republic @universe:earth:people
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Second Space Lord @universe:earth:govt:mil
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Admiralty @universe:earth:govt:mil
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Megadon Ranching
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Constitution of the Solar Republic @universe:earth:govt
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Senator Lee Zhang @universe:earth:people
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Senator Lee Zhang Cleared @universe:earth:news
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Senator Sebastian Rathbone @universe:earth:people
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IEN New Constructions to 3208.149 @universe:earth:news
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"Fill Me, Hilmi" @universe:havana
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Zhang Scandal Shocks Senate @universe:earth:news
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New Year at Home for the 22nd! @universe:earth:news
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Grand Admiral to Retire @universe:earth:news
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Imperial Party Leadership Latest @universe:earth:news
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Lord Bailey @universe:earth:people
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Earth News @universe:earth
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Admiral Sir George Tryon, IEN @universe:earth:people
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Sir Humphrey Fulbright @universe:earth:people
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Earth Ground Force Organisations @universe:gf:earth
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Mission Procedures for Lakshmi @universe:ifu
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Clewgist Temple, Goof Ball @universe:ifu
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