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The Characters
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ern on a busy trade route Melody was exposed to a number of performers which helped nurture her own talent
The Theocracy's History @daprav:background
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ir Waldo held out against a force ten times their number for two days despite being surrounded. In the end... re reduced to less than a tenth of their original number and all around them were strewn the dead of the K
Background to the Campaign
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nd at the end are selected for a suitable job. A number of those finishing community service will then go... church bureaucracy which needs an ever increasing number of people to aid it in holding back the barbarian
The Theocracy of Daprav @daprav:background
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is done by clerics and the church employs a large number of people in a variety of roles. There is some pr
Entry to Templeton @daprav:stories
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====== Entry to Templeton ====== A number of things happened when the patrol was in Templeton. Templeton
Sometimes They Come Back - Act 2 @daprav:stories
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previous visit. There appear to have been a large number of graves opened up, and there was an air of acti... leton which they rebuked. They did the same for a number of other skeletons and zombies which fled across
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