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Orange or Lemon? - The Cast @rules:clwg:1689:people
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The Other Side of the COIN @rules:clwg
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could be relevant to those living in a conflict zone. Of necessity hugely simplified and not covering ... it for over a year now, the only blog that I've done that long. * [[:rules:clwg:coin:taliban]] *
Who Whistled? @rules:party
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thing or the tail of the blindfold. Once this is done the guesser needs to be spun round to slightly di... ey need to work out who is holding the whistle. One of the whistlers gently blows the whistle to star
The Pashtun Tribe @rules:clwg:coin
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of Kandahar established the Durrani Empire. This one-time general in Nadir Shah's Persian army was ele... the Karzai government, apparently viewing them as one of their greatest potential rivals. At the same t
Free Games Rules
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n membership that each member must write at least one article for MilMud (the club newsletter - [[:clwg:milmud]]) and put on at least one game each year. I've been a member of CLWG since... rganiser and milmud editor. I'm pretty sure I've done at least two terms in each of those posts, but ag... e a few games and some design sessions that were done without pre-prepared briefings and never got writ
Awa' to the Hills @rules:clwg:1689
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Bounce Into Action: Rules for Company Sized actions @rules:wargames:universe
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ee combat capable craft on each side with perhaps one side having some shuttles to conduct a landing fr
Bounce Into Action: Morale @rules:wargames:universe
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mber to be successful. This is only tested when one of the conditions mentioned below is reached, onc... line. If morale has to be tested for more than one group then do so in the following order. * all... the most senior in the group counts if more than one commissioned officer present)) | +1 | Wearing HM... re and fight. Will not enter a known fire-swept zone unless leaving an enemy trench while under attack
Bounce into Action @rules:wargames
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ee combat capable craft on each side with perhaps one side having some shuttles to conduct a landing fr... ets all represent controlled military hardware of one kind or another. [[:rules:wargames:universe:bia
Bounce Into Action: Firing @rules:wargames:universe
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e then they may fire collectively as if they were one stand. ==== Infantry Firing Modifiers ==== ^Fi... ability. ==== Aircraft Speed ==== Aircraft have one of three speeds //Fast//, //Slow//, //Very Slow//... . Some aircraft types may be capable of more than one speed, if so this should be specified when their ... e ==== The longer an aircraft spends in a danger zone the more likely it is to get shot down. Aircraft
Bounce Into Action: Infantry @rules:wargames:universe
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===== Training ===== All troops will fall into one of the categories below, if in doubt use the lowe... ired at HMA etc).| ^Experienced | Fought at least one action where incoming fire was received and weapo
Bounce Into Action: Orders @rules:wargames:universe
4 Hits, Last modified:
Morale @rules:wargames:ww2
6 Hits, Last modified:
Bernard Law Montgomery) This is only tested when one of the conditions mentioned below is reached, onc... line. If morale has to be tested for more than one group then do so in the following order. * all... the most senior in the group counts if more than one commissioned officer present)) | +1 | | Under sm... re and fight. Will not enter a known fire-swept zone unless leaving an enemy trench while under attack
Orange or Lemon? @rules:clwg:1689
1 Hits, Last modified:
Orange or Lemon? - Game Mechanics @rules:clwg:1689
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hanics ====== Each complete game turn represents one day of the sitting of the Convention. Each of the... faction) allow players to move an NPC voting card one place. The following rules apply: * a card can ... by the same player in a single game turn * Only one of the paired cards in a row may be moved by a pl... outer) lane when all the other rows have at least one card supporting that faction * Cards can only b
Duke of Hamilton @rules:clwg:1689:people
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Orange or Lemon? - General Briefing @rules:clwg:1689
4 Hits, Last modified:
The Three Estates @rules:clwg:1689:convention
5 Hits, Last modified:
Orange or Lemon? - Design Notes @rules:clwg:1689
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The Three Estates @rules:1689:convention
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WW2 Company Actions @rules:wargames
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Logs @rules:wargames:ww2
4 Hits, Last modified:
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