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Skyss - Story Background @skyss
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the [[:skyss:pantheon:kari|Sea Goddess Kari]] got people to worship her, and helped them become seafarers.
King of Skyss @skyss:places
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her male or female. ==== Relationships ==== === People === Notable people * [[:skyss:chars:king_thirfinn]] === Places === * [[:skyss:places:kronstadt]]
Board of Trade @skyss:places
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collected in full. ==== Relationships ==== === People === Notable people (from a story perspective). * [[:skyss:chars:radulfr]] Director of [[resolutions]]
Kingdom of Skyss @skyss:places
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Pantheon of Skyss @skyss
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on of Skyss ==== {{ :skyss:pantheon.png?400|}}The people of Skyss worship a pantheon of gods that they kno... nd more in other pantheons). These gods are real. People have met them when they manifest (not so recently... ss of the lost and found, mischief and the little people]] * **Fafnir** - [[:skyss:pantheon:fafnir|God o
Aodh MacAodh @skyss:people:daels:macaodh
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ywhere in between. ==== Relationships ==== === People === Notable people * [[:skyss:chars:daels:gilruary]] - The Gilruary clan often use The Water Gate when
Other Background @skyss
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eholder list for links to pages that aren't about people, places, or gods. * [[:skyss:other:jafnadr]]
Characters @skyss
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a]] - Yngvild's mother & Second Sea Lord. ===== People on Straven ===== I haven't named every one of the people on [[:skyss:places:straven]], but some of the mor... boat crew * [[:skyss:chars:Freya]] ===== Other People ===== ==== Ship crews ==== === King's Ship Seagul
The Alpins @skyss:chars:daels
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mountains proper. Overall there are about 50,000 people in Ardmor. ^ Type ^^ Value ^ ^ Ships || 11
Grand Duchy of Dael Riata @skyss:places
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ital is [[:skyss:places:dalreoch]]. A seafaring people loosely linked to the Skyssians based on a collec... wn cattle with wide horns. As well as exporting people as skilled sailors and mercenaries there is a sma... in the waters off their Northern Cape. ===== People ===== Dael Riata is ruled by a hereditary monarch
Bhaltair Gilranald @skyss:chars:daels
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West of the Easter Isles. There are about 10,000 people in the city, and a similar number farming across
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