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Board of Trade
12 Hits, Last modified:
trade through better flows of information, and also supporting Skyssians when they get into trouble. There's also a diplomatic function in many of the more signifi... s the port teams gathering information there is also [[resolutions]] that deal with unusual or sensitive situations. * Political Analysis. This departm
Skyss's World
8 Hits, Last modified:
put lots of detail in, I think it's best to leave some room for what I might need in future stories. T... n went to work on where the tectonic plates were, so that I knew where the mountains and volcanoes wer... flowing from the high places to the sea. I placed some cities in likely places based on real human geography, and from there came some trade routes, mostly sea traffic but also some
Grand Duchy of Dael Riata
6 Hits, Last modified:
s North and East, and the Sea on the West. To the south sits the related but way more prosperous [[:sk... f Daels onboard a Skyssian ship, or in an enclave somewhere in a civilised town in another country. =
Kingdom of Skyss
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