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Yngvild Helgasdotir @skyss:chars
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====== Yngvild Helgasdotir ====== Yngvild is also known as Yngvild the Fierce, and she's the title and
Skyss's World @skyss:places
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put lots of detail in, I think it's best to leave some room for what I might need in future stories. T... n went to work on where the tectonic plates were, so that I knew where the mountains and volcanoes wer... flowing from the high places to the sea. I placed some cities in likely places based on real human geography, and from there came some trade routes, mostly sea traffic but also some
Skyss - Story Background
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based on a Norse 10th/11th century blending with some ancient Roman, although the ships are more like... ut there is a whole world and other states exist, some of which will be linked to here. NB this site... me to be able to remind myself what I've written so that I stay consistent. Feel free to re-use the m... d one full length novel in this world, as well as some short stories. I've also outlined two further n
Board of Trade @skyss:places
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trade through better flows of information, and also supporting Skyssians when they get into trouble. There's also a diplomatic function in many of the more signifi... s the port teams gathering information there is also [[resolutions]] that deal with unusual or sensitive situations. * Political Analysis. This departm
Kingdom of Skyss @skyss:places
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Malfin - Goddess of the Darkness @skyss:pantheon
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onment, half their year is spent in the darkness. So they've come to embrace it. She is the twin siste... tivals ===== Malfin's main festival is the winter soltice, when the nights are longest (and in many of
Pantheon of Skyss
6 Hits, Last modified:
imply used a handful of handy gods and goddesses, so this list isn't exhaustive. There are 9 gods in t... eal. People have met them when they manifest (not so recently, they tend not to manifest except under ... Demi-gods have very long life spans, and inherit some of the powers of their divine parent. They aren... live for a very long time unless they are killed. Some have become Gods in their own right, but not of
Calendar @skyss:other
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-29 day moon cycle numbered by observation, and also using clues like the solstices and the equinoxes to divide the years into three types, Long Winters,
Aodh MacAodh @skyss:people:daels:macaodh
4 Hits, Last modified:
d delicacies from across the known world, he is also reputed to be a spy, assassin and smuggler. Born in 739 in Dalreoch, the son of Earsaid MacAodh. === Stories === They are i... * Function: a point of view character to show some of the background of what is going on in the ci... s a flame haired man with a pale complexion, he's solid but not fat and a little taller than average.
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====== Characters ====== This is a list of some of the characters that I have created to include in Yn... e of the people on [[:skyss:places:straven]], but some of the more notable ones are: * [[:skyss:char... of the boat crew * [[:skyss:chars:Gunnar]] - also on the boat crew * [[:skyss:chars:Erik-dark|Eri... [:skyss:chars:arald]] - A mysterious man from the South that came to [[:skyss:places:straven]] to ask
The Alpins @skyss:chars:daels
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s:daels:alpin:Iain735|Iain]] (39, born 735) third son, distinguished himself in battle. Currently commander of the King's Lifeguard. Currently disowned by his father for having changed sides. - ... though tragedy struck within a month of his first son Uilleam being born. At the time many feared that... of nobles of Bernicia when he attempted to march south to claim that throne on the death of his broth
The Nobles of Dael Riata @skyss:chars:daels
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n families that are Dukes or Earls of Dael Riata. Some of these are older than others, and you can usu... n creating blazons using proper heraldic terms, also draws them. ^ [[:skyss:welcome]] ^ [[:skyss:
Grand Duchy of Dael Riata @skyss:places
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s North and East, and the Sea on the West. To the south sits the related but way more prosperous [[:sk... f Daels onboard a Skyssian ship, or in an enclave somewhere in a civilised town in another country. =
Alasdair V, King of Dael Riata @skyss:chars:daels
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:skyss:chars:rojden|Skyssian merchant]] who spent some time in Dael Riata before escaping. ==== Titl... ected to swear loyalty to him. He is a great grandson of King Harold VII of Bernicia (reigned 687-711,... [[:skyss:places:dealriata|Dael Riata]] and it has some of the most fertile farmland. On top of that th... g bond) Alasdair V has pacified the country and resolved the failure of fifth [[:skyss:chars:daels:mur
Bhaltair Gilranald @skyss:chars:daels
10 Hits, Last modified:
Bhaltair Gilranald is the Earl of Norpen, and for some time regent of Dael Riata during the minority o... n [[:skyss:chars:daels:alasdair_ranald]]. He is also the Marquess of Righ, and swears fealty twice to ... aels:Alasdair_Ranald]], descended from the second son of King Alasdair III. The ancestral home is Ca... ), is second and currently betrothed to the elder son of the [[:skyss:chars:daels:ahearn|Earl of Sudda
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