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Yngvild Helgasdotir @skyss:chars
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====== Yngvild Helgasdotir ====== Yngvild is also known as Yngvild the Fierce, and she's the title and
Skyss's World @skyss:places
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n went to work on where the tectonic plates were, so that I knew where the mountains and volcanoes wer... came some trade routes, mostly sea traffic but also some along rivers and between places. The step af... tates/major cities to help flesh out the map. I also went further with the places that would end up be
Skyss - Story Background
4 Hits, Last modified:
me to be able to remind myself what I've written so that I stay consistent. Feel free to re-use the m... this world, as well as some short stories. I've also outlined two further novels, and have worked up t... ill get fleshed out to the point where they can also be published. For now this is the list of publish... ote some backstory for one of the main characters so that I could understand them better. There's a bi
Board of Trade @skyss:places
7 Hits, Last modified:
trade through better flows of information, and also supporting Skyssians when they get into trouble. There's also a diplomatic function in many of the more signifi... s the port teams gathering information there is also [[resolutions]] that deal with unusual or sensiti... dvises the [[King]] on diplomatic relations. It also provides negotiators for treaties. * Board Sec
Malfin - Goddess of the Darkness @skyss:pantheon
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onment, half their year is spent in the darkness. So they've come to embrace it. She is the twin siste
Pantheon of Skyss
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imply used a handful of handy gods and goddesses, so this list isn't exhaustive. There are 9 gods in t... eal. People have met them when they manifest (not so recently, they tend not to manifest except under ... nds the Goddesses who choose to bear demi-gods do so within a day of the liaison, several have been le
Calendar @skyss:other
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-29 day moon cycle numbered by observation, and also using clues like the solstices and the equinoxes
Aodh MacAodh @skyss:people:daels:macaodh
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d delicacies from across the known world, he is also reputed to be a spy, assassin and smuggler. Born
5 Hits, Last modified:
of the boat crew * [[:skyss:chars:Gunnar]] - also on the boat crew * [[:skyss:chars:Erik-dark|Eri
The Alpins @skyss:chars:daels
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The Nobles of Dael Riata @skyss:chars:daels
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n creating blazons using proper heraldic terms, also draws them. ^ [[:skyss:welcome]] ^ [[:skyss:
Bhaltair Gilranald @skyss:chars:daels
4 Hits, Last modified:
n [[:skyss:chars:daels:alasdair_ranald]]. He is also the Marquess of Righ, and swears fealty twice to ... hat exports local stone for building. There are also lots of fishing vessels, seaweed collection, and ... t to move his northern border from the river Muir so that he could work both sides of the forest for s... assert his right to rule in his mid-teens. It's also shown up in how the King has ruled, and the metho
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