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Percentage, Q8
9 Hits, Last modified:
census it had a population of around 135 million, some 50 million more than in the 3201 census. ====... 022. Initially they did well and established a reasonably secure colony within five years, remarkably rapidly. Their success encouraged others to also establish colonies on the planet. A period of happy co-existence was followed by some wars of unification, not too bloody for the Cle
17 Hits, Last modified:
rend Ian Floralpattern, a member of the Christian Socialist Party. The Legislature is a colonial counc... numbers roughly eight thousand to twelve thousand soldiers, divided into ten “Legions”. The Corps is n... armored cars but no serious AFVs. It has received some additional training from Gritrow Solutions, a PMC. The Corps is mostly deployed in and around Frien
Spuk, Q8
6 Hits, Last modified:
ineral extraction, refining and export. There are some outlying communities in the foothills and into ... point of use. Certain services (such as dispute resolution) are only available to shareholders. There ... y ===== River City is part of the Phoenix colony, some of the shareholders wished to diversify from th... and there are plans to build a spaceport here as soon as sufficient capital can be raised. The spacep
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