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Bounce Into Action: Rules for Company Sized actions @rules:wargames:universe
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from Jim Wallman on how the Universe works and also on streamlining it a bit. Initial play testing by... les:wargames:universe:070830-biacorerules-vb3-jmk.pdf|full rules}} (all 15 pages so far) also as a PDF
Bounce Into Action: Morale @rules:wargames:universe
1 Hits, Last modified:
has to be tested for more than one group then do so in the following order. * all attacking groups
Bounce into Action
5 Hits, Last modified:
ed (and by extension better trained) troops and also make each stand slightly more comparable in terms... or HMA troops where the section commanders will also be included) will be separately represented. C... ous to assault rifles. With vehicles there is also a range from civilian wheeled vehicles up to the ... t accurately on the move. In the air there is also a wide range of capability, although this is more
Bounce Into Action: Firing @rules:wargames:universe
2 Hits, Last modified:
t types may be capable of more than one speed, if so this should be specified when their posture is ch... t they remain in the Air Defence umbrella. This also applies to any fast aircraft that are dogfighting
Bounce Into Action: Infantry @rules:wargames:universe
11 Hits, Last modified:
groups represented by a single stand, they will also be harder to hit. Each infantry unit will also have a morale rating which will be the target number f... etermine how well it can engage other units and also how well protected it is from fire. ===== Train... t officers) fight at this level if required to do so as infantry. At this level only basic weapons can
Bounce Into Action: Orders @rules:wargames:universe
3 Hits, Last modified:
not usually change every game turn. They should also have a posture which may well change from turn to... Orders can be changed only by a senior officer. So a platoon commander needs to be given orders by t
Morale @rules:wargames:ww2
1 Hits, Last modified:
has to be tested for more than one group then do so in the following order. * all attacking groups
WW2 Company Actions
7 Hits, Last modified:
===== This could do with a snappier title... I also need to properly organise it, so far it is just an ideas dump of things I thought up over Christmas a... icer roles (platoon and company commanders) and also some of the NCO roles that often get subsumed (i.... es some of the teamwork involved in battles and also shows the importance of looking after your troops
Logs @rules:wargames:ww2
3 Hits, Last modified:
====== Logs ====== There is a famous((obviously so famed that I've forgotten the source)) quote that: ... as sergeants((in the widest sense of the term, also including warrant officers)). Logistics is the... abstracted a little into some general natures. Also the precise number of rounds will not be tallied,
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