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Other Games
2 Hits, Last modified:
s - knives, spoons, pencil, pen, stones, book and so on - not more than about fifteen for the first fe... eties on it. They all need to be distinguishable, so things like smarties, skittles, dolly mixtures et
Circle Games
6 Hits, Last modified:
pers the message to the beaver on their left, and so on round the circle (keeping the volume down so only the next beaver hears). When the last beaver (on... rops:** A set of keys **Time:** 5 minutes or so. **Instructions:** Number the beavers round the circle so that there are 3-4 each with the same number. The
Relay Races
4 Hits, Last modified:
t at blowing up balloons, or eating the crackers. So halving the crackers helps speed up that part of ... balloons a couple of times on a pump beforehand also helps make it easier for them to blow the balloon... they incubating to stop them freezing on the ice. So you could add some flavour by explaining this to ... eavers shout something when they get to the front so that the last beaver knows that it is their turn.
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