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Yngvild Helgasdotir
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====== Yngvild Helgasdotir ====== Yngvild is also known as Yngvild the Fierce, and she's the title and
The Alpins @skyss:chars:daels
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The Nobles of Dael Riata @skyss:chars:daels
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n creating blazons using proper heraldic terms, also draws them. ^ [[:skyss:welcome]] ^ [[:skyss:
Bhaltair Gilranald @skyss:chars:daels
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n [[:skyss:chars:daels:alasdair_ranald]]. He is also the Marquess of Righ, and swears fealty twice to ... hat exports local stone for building. There are also lots of fishing vessels, seaweed collection, and ... t to move his northern border from the river Muir so that he could work both sides of the forest for s... assert his right to rule in his mid-teens. It's also shown up in how the King has ruled, and the metho
Iain Alpin @skyss:chars:daels:alpin
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mself both as a brave and fearless fighter, but also as highly skilled and disciplined. More than one ... ested that his father’s enemies manoeuvred events so that the King would look favourably on him. Eith... slightly taller than average, but not excessively so. His skin is pale, to the point of looking anaemi... en the most difficult dances of the day. He can also play the pipes, having learned in captivity with
The Murchadhs @skyss:chars:daels
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ontrol of one of the Skyssian factions. She was also trying to re-introduce the Skyssian gods to Dael
2 Hits, Last modified:
nd [[:skyss:pantheon:Fafnir]]. She's reputed to also be descended from the elves that frequented the f... heir mother, although most will spend a decade or so exploring the world. A number of them have settle
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