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Berlin 1953
14 Hits, Last modified:
====== Berlin 1953 ====== On this page are some of the maps and photographs of Berlin that I have foun... ngs & Tunnels ==== There is also this one showing some of the main Nazi-era buildings which inspired t... ound the underground tunnels. It also helped with some of the building locations not shown on the othe... howing the centre of Berlin which I also used for some street mapping. Largely I followed the earlier
The Golden Gate
6 Hits, Last modified:
ench, US and Germans. There is even the ocasional Soviet officer seen (although usually not in uniform
8 Hits, Last modified:
ource and not historical background**//((although some of it is researched historical material a good ... I don't distinguish on the pages which is which, so be warned;-))) ---- ====== Background ====== It ... rom the beginning (almost) and possibly including some things that not everyone knows about (so if so please play as if you don't know about it unless t
Herman Wolfe
6 Hits, Last modified:
ound in the cellar he was living in and also from some of the paperwork in the crates. Mainly however ... on Wolfe joined the Ahnenerbe and started work on some projects involving inmates in several concentra... another SS group whom he joined in 1940. ===== Sonderkommando K ===== In late 1940 Wolfe joined Sonderkommando K, Gruppe Hecht which was commanded by S
Jeb Washington
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Ute Dietrich
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dn't have proper papers and obviously had lacked some education but was very pretty and pretty cheery... to the point keen to do just about anything for some decent money. On the doctor's standard monthly
3 Hits, Last modified:
it connected a number of important buildings and some lesser ones. There were a load of signs from th
Discoveries in the Basement
4 Hits, Last modified:
20 Hits, Last modified:
This means that the first half dozen sessions or so are largely undocumented. ====== Early Sessions =... er rib cage splayed out. Not a pleasant sight and some SAN loss was caused. ===== 03 Oct 2005 Sessio... ut an hour after the normal closing time there is some noise outside. On opening the door the barman i... hn to pistol whip him at the bottom of the stairs so that it looks like George has attempted to stop t
John Millen
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d quizzed him more extensively and from clues in some of the stories themselves it became apparent t... here was a pattern of approximately monthly (with some variation) murders. All of those killings hap
Major Rollo von Hollman
6 Hits, Last modified:
ligence (in the shape of one Captain [[Parr]] and some redcaps) were sniffing around looking for the M
Gustav Horst
3 Hits, Last modified:
Documents from basement of the Golden Gate
6 Hits, Last modified:
ocuments from basement of the Golden Gate ====== Some rapid work with a German dictionary and looking... g that caused the SAN loss was a set of photos of some of the research). Basically you can identify t... 'test subjects' had a very low survival rate. In some cases it appears that they sometimes were reanimated after they were killed, at least judging by th
Blue Gate of Babylon
1 Hits, Last modified:
e. The gate was removed in the inter-war years by some German Archaeologists and taken to the Pergamon
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