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National Police
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r a defined geographical area (CT1 is London, CT2 South East, CT3 West Midlands, CT4 North West, CT5 East Midlands, CT6 East of England, CT7 South West, CT8 Yorkshire & Humberto, CT9 North East... |Genetically Modified]] people. [[:perfects:chars:sophia_young|Chief Inspector Sophia Young]] leads CT12G, she has four serials of hand picked officers.
Regulations on Police Evidence 2045
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22nd April Interrogations @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
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ad paid him about £20k for this service. He'd got some of the money from his allowance and had sold some of his possessions to raise the remainder. He hadn't told Schepping about the plan nor had he
Schepping Residence @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
1 Hits, Last modified:
living there. The descriptions were rather vague so Howard showed them the pictures of [[:perfects:ch
Operation Hawkeye
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dal|Hephaestus Scandal]] broke. [[:perfects:chars:sophia_young]], leader of a specialist counter GM br... ing. | | 02:59 | Silverton | [[:perfects:chars:sophia_young]] orders break in. | | 03:00 | North ... on | After an exchange of fire [[:perfects:chars:sophia_young]] shoots dead an [[:perfects:chars:mark... ea. | | 03:16 | Silverton | [[:perfects:chars:sophia_young]] calls cease firing to CT12G. London F
Operation Hawkeye @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
3 Hits, Last modified:
the caused trouble they needed to be removed from society immediately. The result of this was survei... ssing GM subjects have left the country, although some social media intelligence has suggested that a number of them have done that. ^ [[:perfects:wel
1 Hits, Last modified:
she pursued a police career. [[:perfects:chars:sophia_young|Chief Inspector Young]] leads CT12G and
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