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Belgica Treasury Accounts @megagames:ad69
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as appropriate for the time. I somehow doubt that these will be honoured gived subsequent events... ----
Glitius Decianus Fate @megagames:ad69
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Letters to the Roman Senate @megagames:ad69
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y Council to the Emperor & members of the Senate. These give a flavour of what they were telling the Empe
GLITIUS DECIANUS' Correspondence with Rome @megagames:ad69
2 Hits, Last modified:
ine from the barbarion hordes. The upkeep cost of these Legions is 280 Talents per quarter, although I ex... Imperial Treasury to send sufficient funds to pay these Legions next quarter. This will cost 315 talents
So, Who was: GLITIUS DECIANUS? @megagames:ad69
4 Hits, Last modified:
AD69 - Megagame Write Up
2 Hits, Last modified:
ad69:reports|Glitius Decianus' letters to Rome]]. These give a chronological account to the Imperial Trea... e floor of the Senate]] after it had been sacked. These give an idea of what the other players were telli
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