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universe:boldlygo [28 Feb 2010 18:17] corneliusuniverse:boldlygo [13 Aug 2012 15:04] (current) – [Operation Boldly Go] cornelius
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 Operation Boldly Go was a pan-human operation to explore the centre of the universe and in particular to find the source of the transmissions detected on the Odyssey mission.  Operation Boldly Go was a pan-human operation to explore the centre of the universe and in particular to find the source of the transmissions detected on the Odyssey mission. 
-A multi-polity joint mission to investigate possible alien transmissions originating some some 2HY (around 2,500 lightyears) away was despatched on new years day 3203.+A multi-polity joint mission to investigate possible alien transmissions originating some 2HY (around 2,500 lightyears) away was despatched on new years day 3203.
 As the ships approached the operational area they monitored the transmissions as they dropped out of hyperspace for navigational purposes, and sent back interim reports indicating that all was well with them so far. As the ships approached the operational area they monitored the transmissions as they dropped out of hyperspace for navigational purposes, and sent back interim reports indicating that all was well with them so far.
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 ====== Operation Second Sight ====== ====== Operation Second Sight ======
-Operation Second Sight is a follow-up mission to the Boldy Go civilisation, launched by the Republic of New Venus and including some invited MAFC scientists.+Operation Second Sight is a follow-up mission to the Boldy Go civilisation, launched by the Republic of New Venus and including some invited MAFC scientists.  The MAFC is also supplying SV support to this mission.
-The RNV sent two SSXI Interstellar Survey Vessels.  The first arrived 3206.201 and exchanged some personnel with the Boldly Go mission. It is due to begin the return journey in 3211.181.  By that time the second SSXI will be on station to replace it, this being due to arrive around 3211.150.+The RNV sent two SSXI Interstellar Survey Vessels.  The first arrived 3206.201 and exchanged some personnel with the Boldly Go mission. It was due to begin the return journey on 3211.181.  By that time the second SSXI should be on station to replace it, this being due to have arrived around 3211.150.
-Data from the mission is being passed to the Venerian institute for Alien Studies (VIAS) in the first instance.+Data from the mission is being passed to the Venerian Institute for Alien Studies (VIAS) in the first instance.
 +During this time, human visitors (in AMI) have been observed.
 +====== Operation Third Kind ======
 +Operation Third Kind is a Venerian follow-up mission.
 +{{tag>universe background boldlygo secondsight aliens}}
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