repression of unbelievers since the end of the [[:universe:q1:deadlock:unification|war of unification]].
==... ed by the Theocracy, which is a splinter sect ([[:universe:c7c:branch]]) of the [[:universe:c7c:welcome|Church of the Seventh Coming]].
===== Military =====
Deadloc... ions ====
Deadlock is a close neighbour to the [[:universe:7wda|Free Worlds Alliance]], and attempted to joi
g. In the Presidential Elections that followed [[:universe:people:darius_zehring]], Head of the [[:universe:c7c:branch]], was elected president. The result was greet... the Deadlock Association of Free Colonists.
{{:universe:q1:deadlock:deadlock_surface_political.png|Deadlock Political Map}}
{{tag>universe background system Q1 Deadlock unification}}