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Space Battles Aide Memoire @universe:earth:govt:mil:doctrine
7 Hits, Last modified:
f the enemy carriers until you have gained space superiority; * DDI are too fragile for main fleet a... perations ===== * you need to win the pacifier superiority battle before attempting missile strikes ... forward intercept if done at all; * a tight group of vessels, but not overlapping, gives an effecti... n dribs and drabs; * keep some pacifiers to top up the CSP after an incoming strike; * CSP stays
Second Space Lord @universe:earth:govt:mil
1 Hits, Last modified:
(2nd Deputy) * Training (2nd Deputy) * Fleet Support (2nd Deputy) ===== First Deputy Second Space
Admiralty @universe:earth:govt:mil
2 Hits, Last modified:
lanetary Defence Squadrons, and the Interstellar Support Commands. Admiral Tryon took over in early 32... ve command of all Construction, Training and the Support Fleets. ===== Earther Marine Corps - Marines
Constitution of the Solar Republic
6 Hits, Last modified:
y; - To constitute tribunals inferior to the supreme court; - To define and punish Piracies an... h Laws of the Solar Republic; - To raise and support Ground Forces, but no appropriation of money ... e four Senators [//Note: this provision has been superceded by several separate amendments//] - No... === - Each nation, colony or other electoral group may determine the nature of its own elections pro
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