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The Characters
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e bureaucracy at the capital, Templeton. She grew up in the centre of Church power and is clearly goin... told by the priesthood without question. Brought up by a very strict father who was a woodsman in the... he son of a blacksmith, Ostler had already picked up most of the skills before going into Church Servi... ngly beautiful daughter of an inn-keeper. Growing up in a tavern on a busy trade route Melody was expo
The Theocracy's History @daprav:background
1 Hits, Last modified:
rwhelmed and defeated the main Church Army turned up to engage the King's forces. The story is immorta
Stoolball @daprav:background
1 Hits, Last modified:
ey desired. * On a natural 1 it goes straight up in the air. * For DC 5 it went the correct dis
The Theocracy of Daprav @daprav:background
2 Hits, Last modified:
by magic during the game. Mage magic is frowned upon and the people would shun anyone that tries to
Murder! - Part 3 @daprav:stories
4 Hits, Last modified:
s and look for more clues. Accordingly they split up to tour the waterfront taverns. [Can you think of... as feeling ill and that he would catch the others up in the next pub. That was about 11pm and was the ... fight and were somewhat surprised when he turned up dead. ===== Bureau of Shoes ===== In the mornin... ding clearly not frequented by visitors. They end up in a large store-room with floor to ceiling shelv
Murder! - Part 4 @daprav:stories
3 Hits, Last modified:
facilitation of the investigation the patrol meet up to discuss their remaining suspects. They decide ... ning ===== Back at their accommodation they catch up with Melody. She had split off from them to inves... ld. ===== Leaving Templeton ===== Having packed up for travelling the patrol return to Archbishop Hu
Murder! @daprav:stories
1 Hits, Last modified:
llows him along the river bank for a bit and then up Temple Way, one of the main streets of the City,
Entry to Templeton @daprav:stories
1 Hits, Last modified:
Naturally the patrol got somewhat lost and ended up on the river front. In front of them they heard a
Sometimes They Come Back - Act 2 @daprav:stories
1 Hits, Last modified:
pear to have been a large number of graves opened up, and there was an air of activity round the templ
Sometimes They Come Back - Act 1 @daprav:stories
5 Hits, Last modified:
the light fails, but before they get all the way up. They creep up the treeline from the road, after dismounting a couple of hundred metres from where t... , although they are not moving. Slowly they steal up to the tent, during which time the figures animat... Ashrem, who has been holding the horses, catches up with the others. He finds Flynn unconscious and t
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