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Belgica Treasury Accounts @megagames:ad69
2 Hits, Last modified:
dmin| -40| | | Subsidy to Britannia| -50| | | Upgrade Legions on the Rhine| -50| | | **Balance**| **-949**| | | Upgrade new Legion| -30| | | Subsidy to Gov.Brit.|
Letters to the Roman Senate @megagames:ad69
3 Hits, Last modified:
as follows.- Income is not good due to barbarian uprising upsetting locals - around 40 talents per tax quarter. Expenditure purely on troop upkeep is 96 talents, thus we have a problem. Milit
GLITIUS DECIANUS' Correspondence with Rome @megagames:ad69
4 Hits, Last modified:
efending the Rhine from the barbarion hordes. The upkeep cost of these Legions is 280 Talents per quar... EASURY ==== BELGICA will be sent 280 Talents for upkeep of legions + 10 talents each for the 4 loyal ... s of their personal wealth to pay the Legions and upkeep the fleet. This means that our Treasury is r... I would advise hiding your valuables and locking up your daughters. The Barbarian hordes are attacki
So, Who was: GLITIUS DECIANUS? @megagames:ad69
5 Hits, Last modified:
AD69 - Megagame Write Up
1 Hits, Last modified:
====== AD69 - Megagame Write Up ====== This megagame was held in Eardley School, Streatham on Saturday
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