part of the [[:dg:berlin:narrative|story]] where wewent round the underground tunnels. It also helped with some of the building locations not shown on t... == Berlin Underground =====
There is an excellent website with several maps of the Berlin underground ... 1953}}
===== Views of Berlin 1950 =====
Another website provided some postcard views of Berlin in th
t the end of his first year.
The next few years were spent as a political activist in the racial pur... ved back to Berlin where he continued his work as well as studying anthropology part time at the unive... es in an effort to determine whether or not there were any aryan or german roots in any of the gypsy c... ns, archaeologists and occultists. In total there were about forty 'scientists' based in a research in
====== Discoveries in the Basement ======
As well as the [[tunnels]] a number of crates dating from the end of
the war were found in the basement. These crates were all labelled up as containing blankets and on first inspec... id indeed all have blankets in them when the lids were opened.
However under the layer of blankets w
This is a narrative of the various sessions that we have had, hopefully maintained by players. Several sessions were run on a monthly basis between September 2005 a... umented.
====== Early Sessions ======
==== Game: Weds 20 May 1953 ====
=== Murder of Ulrike ===
The f... 1953. She had been horribly murdered. Her innards were removed and her rib cage splayed out. Not a ple
had her heart cut out.
The local police (Kripo) were not really interested in finding the
killer on... e archives of the local paper revealed that there were murders in the area relatively frequently. Havi... stories themselves it
became apparent that there were a number of similar killings and that
there wa...
500m from the club (in the bombed area) and they were all at night with
victims who had been on thei
could use the facilities for his men.
His unit were a recently formed tank unit of the East German ... e shape of one Captain [[Parr]] and some redcaps) were sniffing around looking for the Major.
In the
documents are the records of an SS research unit (well research may be generous as the thing that caus... ate. In some cases it appears that they sometimes were reanimated after they were killed, at least judging by the photos you saw. One thing that did strik... utting out of a heart and its consumption.
There were also a number of journals (in German, although
sion dates ======
The rough rule of thumb is that we meet on the first Tuesday of the month. However we often rearrange to suit other events in life. The ... * 6 February 2007
* 6 March 2007((I expect that we will return to D&D around then))
* 10 April 200