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The Alpins @skyss:chars:daels
5 Hits, Last modified:
maternal uncle the 18th Duke of Glasholm. He was well tutored, and his bannermen ran the Earldom until ... prung. Many of the great nobles fell that day, as well as the smaller folk that made up the army. Quee... ung King is all the stronger for it, and has been well tuaght, and well advised. He won't make the mistakes his mother or his grandfather made. Still, it wo
The Nobles of Dael Riata @skyss:chars:daels
1 Hits, Last modified:
using [[]] which as well as having useful reference material on creating b
Bhaltair Gilranald @skyss:chars:daels
1 Hits, Last modified:
gaged the King in decisions, and made sure he was well lead. This early introduction to the murky world
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