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The Alpins
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ng born. At the time many feared that the Alpin's were cursed, the Earl's father and his four elder brot
Alasdair V, King of Dael Riata
4 Hits, Last modified:
ibhne, a neutral ground. The rules of hospitality were in force, and the [[:skyss:chars:daels:suibhne|Ea... left the two parties to negotiate. Raised voices were heard, and the clash of steel. When the Earl of D... y protective of his elder cousin, and claims that were it not for his regency then the kingdom wouldn't ... us]] or [[:skyss:chars:daels:alpin]] because both were allied with Murchadh during the civil wars that f
Bhaltair Gilranald
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the other island Earls. When the Earls of Uisdean were disestablished on Norpen many of the more skilled
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