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Lt. Jacob 'Crackers' Kampf
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= Hobbies === Taking things apart to see how they work. {{tag>people Earther SurnameK Marine Officer C
Chairman William Jackson
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Stephen Bailey
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or leak incident. From 3170 to 3182, Lord Bailey worked as host, writer and producer of several influen... has also written and directed several films. His work in the media has garnered dozens of Tri-D awards.
Lady Aelfreda Pasco
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d staff jobs mainly involved defence procurement. Worked as a senior executive for General Astrospace Fa
Senator Danso Ashanti
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s. However these should be divorced from the framework of a specific treaty like ToOL. * 'Human League
Micheal Wilson
3 Hits, Last modified:
roduced professional warships to the Alliance. He worked closely with then High Admiral [[Chairman Willi
Hermione Xen
1 Hits, Last modified:
iral and later as High Admiral and Chairman. They work well together. <HTML> <br> </HTML> Medals: Bronz
Robert Stassen Jr.
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People listed by Occupation
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Sir Karla Gnough-Duff, KLH
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a FRB captive who was a medic and the two of them worked hard to treat wounded in the impossible conditi
Yehudi Sharan
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d around eventually settling in Freeport where he works as a Comms Tech in the local space traffic contr
People by Quadrant
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Jack Rackham
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Lord Stephen Bailey
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leak incident. From 3170 to 3182, Lord Bailey worked as host, writer and producer of several influen... has also written and directed several films. His work in the media has garnered dozens of Tri-D awards.
Senator Lee Zhang
3 Hits, Last modified:
ing of Interstellar Economics and wrote his first work of fiction "Money, Money, Money" a future history... rnment collapsed in 3199. Since that time he has worked to reinvigorate the war effort, and forge new a... and part of their charitable foundation, had been working for some years for Martian Intelligence. No fo
People by Nationality
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Firstname Surname
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