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National Police @perfects:natpol
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of officers with a shorter time lag and less paperwork. Complaints against police officers also tend to
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= Here are links for some of the background to my work in progress novel Perfects and some of the games
Regulations on Police Evidence 2045 @perfects:natpol
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22nd April Interrogations @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
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This prompted suspicion in CI Young that he'd had work done to disguise who he was. He was promptly arre
Monck Security @perfects:corp
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ed security forces. Based in the UK they mainly work as a specialist sub-contractors for Control Risks
Operation Hawkeye @perfects:natpol
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erton | LFB and ambulance service on scene (prep work had parked them two streets away as a precaution)
Eurostar Arrests @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
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