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T99 - The Lesser of Two Evils?
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====== T99 - The Lesser of Two Evils? ====== Following the Imperial Party's spectacular election results it has had s... choosing how its new First Minister ought to be. The word in the corridors of power has it that this is because of the uneasiness in choosing between the
T75 - Massive Expansion of IEN?
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====== T75 - Massive Expansion of IEN? ====== The defence review is about to report and the advance briefings are suggesting a huge expansion in the IS component of the IEN over the next few years. ===== More IS Ships ===== The exact nature of the
T75 - Wrong ToOL for Attacking HEBs...
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T75 - Wrong ToOL for Attacking HEBs... ====== In the back rooms of the Senate building there has been a lot of building support for Earth pulling out of the Treaty of Old London. The recent summits have all been used to bash Imperial policy. ===== Not Fit
T74 - Hooray Henry!!
2 Hits, Last modified:
= T74 - Hooray Henry!! ====== Rumour has it that the First Citizen's favourite son is off on his annual 'pilgrimage' to the ancient city of Las Vegas. ===== House of Pleas... y Henry's itinerary is said to include a trip to the Great White Elephant casino and an evening of syb... Madame Frou Frou's House of Pleasure, said to be the heart of scandal when the MAFC ambassador was cau
First Minister's Golden Stool
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====== First Minister's Golden Stool ====== When he goes on his regular retreat on his family estate ... ol to sit on. ===== Respect for Tradition ===== He is expected to be feted on arrival and treated as the supreme tribal chief in an historic ceremony with origins lost in the second dark age. Apparently the ritual used to be
Eat Vacuum Red Eyed Freaks
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m Red Eyed Freaks ====== Rumour has it that when the First Citizen heard about the Martian spies he was so annoyed that he suggested that they should all be rounded up and dropped off at New Mars, with
Navy! Navy! Navy!
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Navy! Navy! Navy! ====== In a bit of a shock in the Senate the new First Minister has been chosen. Former First Space Lord and close supporter of the First Citizen, [[:universe:earth:people:TDA]] has become our new esteemed leader. Word on the Senate floor is that a number of party leaders an
First Citizen to Address Senate?
3 Hits, Last modified:
dress Senate? ====== ~~DISCUSSION~~ Debate in the Senate as been fierce about the direction that the Government should take and who should form the next Administration. Senator Ozkok has ruled himself o
New Foreign Minister - Elvis Help Us All!!
1 Hits, Last modified:
gn Minister - Elvis Help Us All!! ====== Seb is the youngest son of the First Citizen's father (Charles L Rathbone) by his final lover. Many Imperial observers are believed to refer to Seb as the First Citizen's youngest brother in private. Seb... ience was entirely on interplanetary vessels, and he has never ventured outside of the Homeworlds. Se
"Fill Me, Hilmi"
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k]]'s private office is reported to be pregnant. The father of her baby is not yet clear but it is rumoured that she has been working some very long hours and she accompanied the Senator on a number of 'fact finding' missions when his wife was unable to attend.
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