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T99 - The Lesser of Two Evils?
11 Hits, Last modified:
between two evils... The thing with Seb is that he is a potential candidate for First Citizen, and t... . From Seb's point of view this is excellent, but he's a bit too brash and ambitious to be a good FC, and there is the possibility that he might actually try and run the Empire given that he'll have been the FM previously... Armstrong on t
T75 - Massive Expansion of IEN?
3 Hits, Last modified:
the rumours are very disparate. For example we've heard the following bits of rumour: * only 2 more
T75 - Wrong ToOL for Attacking HEBs...
4 Hits, Last modified:
====== T75 - Wrong ToOL for Attacking HEBs... ====== In the back rooms of the Senate building there ha... he alien robotic battleships. They have also been heard saying that it also excludes a large number of
T74 - Hooray Henry!!
10 Hits, Last modified:
====== T74 - Hooray Henry!! ====== Rumour has it that the First Citizen's favourite son is off on his ... as Vegas. ===== House of Pleasure ===== Hooray Henry's itinerary is said to include a trip to the G... ame Frou Frou's House of Pleasure, said to be the heart of scandal when the MAFC ambassador was caught... een years ago with a Senator's daughter. Not that Henry had any involvement in that of course. Dear
First Minister's Golden Stool
3 Hits, Last modified:
====== First Minister's Golden Stool ====== When he goes on his regular retreat on his family estate ... ol to sit on. ===== Respect for Tradition ===== He is expected to be feted on arrival and treated as
Eat Vacuum Red Eyed Freaks
4 Hits, Last modified:
====== Rumour has it that when the First Citizen heard about the Martian spies he was so annoyed that he suggested that they should all be rounded up and dropped off at New Mars, with... ologised for the actions of his government, which he was personally involved in when in power. This ap
Navy! Navy! Navy!
2 Hits, Last modified:
First Citizen to Address Senate?
4 Hits, Last modified:
a permanent replacement for Lee Zhang saying that he had planned for some time to move on from Government at the next election. It is rumoured that he will be offered a senior post, possibly Chair, in... rmer First Space Lord and an independent Senator. He is reported to be on good terms with the First Ci
New Foreign Minister - Elvis Help Us All!!
4 Hits, Last modified:
====== New Foreign Minister - Elvis Help Us All!! ====== Seb is the youngest son of the First Citizen... ience was entirely on interplanetary vessels, and he has never ventured outside of the Homeworlds. Se... erful bright slave units which frequently have to help him to correct mistakes via audio implants duri
"Fill Me, Hilmi"
2 Hits, Last modified:
office is reported to be pregnant. The father of her baby is not yet clear but it is rumoured that sh... e baby is classed as 'Perfect' (even though both he and all his staff are it always pays to be certai
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