and 7 Short Years.
The year starts on the first new moon after the Spring Equinox. Long Summers and L... he moons are broken into four 7 day sections, the new Moon, the waxing Moon, the Full Moon, and the waning moon. Any extra days for the next new Moon are tacked onto the end as extra outwith the
he island, and hugely experienced. There's little new to him, and he's very laconic. Speaks with a dist... f the upstairs rooms overlooking the jetty in the new tenement that houses the main hall.
His shield
brothers all having being lost at sea when their new flagship failed to return, despite there being no... 0th Earl's Aunt, and she kept in close touch. The new
=== Enemies & Feuds ===
* [[:skyss:chars:daels
- Oighrig (4)
=== Size & Wealth ===
Although new to the islands the Gilranalds have worked hard to... teran seafarers to pass their skills along to the new generations.
There's an active stone quarry tha