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this page is a game resource for Jim Wallman's Humanity Will Prevail play by e-mail game. None of the material on this domain is canon unless Jim says so.


The seven worlds defensive alliance is a collection of seven independent systems in quadrant one. The seven systems involved in the alliance are Killiekrankie, Pratt, Nose, Gat, Lamster, Damper and Radhakrishnan.

Defensive Fleets

The combined force available to the alliance is split into two fleets, based at Killiekrankie and Pratt with naval HQ on Lamster. It is armed with nukes from the Pratt nuclear weapons facility and staffed with marines from the Marine Training Centre at Damper.

Western Flotilla

The Western flotilla is under command of Admiral Darnley (a krankie) formally titled 'Commodore West' and comprises of 4 C5A, 1 EVI and a C5 logistics vessel.

Eastern Flotilla

The Eastern Flotilla is under the command of Admiral Neb (Nosey) formally titles 'Commodore East' and comprises of 5 C5A, 1 EVI and 1 C5 logistics vessel.

HQ Flotilla

There is a small flotilla of 2 C1A (both equipped with a one-shot pacifier) nand a C5 logistics vessel based at the Naval HQ on Lamster. Overall command of the fleet is on a rotating basis from each of the seven worlds.

The Seven Worlds


Killiekrankie has a below average economy which provides a surplus of 10 SV each year, most of its settlers came from Earth. Typically the government invest 8SV back into the economy and support a navy of two C5A under the command of Admiral Darnley. The vessels are called Bonny Charlie and Old Pretender. President Stuart has commited the entire navy to the 7WDA defensive fleet as part of the Western Flotilla which Killiekrankie in in command. More background on Killiekrankie is available.


Pratt is has an average economy mainly settled from MAFC systems. They currently host a nuclear weapons facility that provides nukes to all members of the alliance. They also contribute an EVI, C5A, C5, 2 C1A and a Planetary Guard Division.


Nose has an average economy and was mostly settled from UOX systems. Nose provides the Commodore East (Admiral Neb) as well as an EVI, C5A and C5 logistics vessel. They also have a Police Divsion.


Gat is an average economy and was mostly settled from GFA systems. The system is protect by a SBHEWS, a Planetary Guard Division and an Internal Security Division. They contirbute a C5A and a C5 to the alliance fleet.


Lamster has a very poor economy and is a former member of the Centauri Conglomerate. As the centre of the seven systems geographically it hosts the Naval HQ. This is protected by a Militia Division. Lamster contribute a C5A to the alliance fleet.


Mainlt colonised from SSR systems, Damper is the home of the alliance's Marine Training Centre and is supplying marines to all vessels in the alliance fleet. It also contributes a C5A.


Colonised from RNV systems. It has a C5A and a Militia Division.

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