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Scouting the outlying sectors
11 Hits, Last modified:
ssumed that cargo vessels such as a C5S can self-support for some time): * AF - __MSN (ST3)__: 2C5A... C5 (Logs) __IEN (AF Scouts)__: 5C5-S (logs self-support) * AG - __MSN (ST1,ST2,ST4)__: 6C5A-S, 3SCI... 1C5 (Logs) __IEN (AJ Scouts)__: 5C5-S (logs self-support) * BF - __IEN (BF Scouts)__: 5C5-S (logs self-support) * BJ - __IEN (BJ Scouts)__: 4C5-S (logs se
Hostile Exterminator Builder (HEB) space
24 Hits, Last modified:
the command organisation was specified, but it is up to that structure to decide how to use the resources sent. (And up to them whether they want to follow our suggested... d structure.) ==== Long Range Reconnaissance Group ==== Coordination: by Solar Republic and Empire ... s. Outline plan: establish a science colony with supporting scouts and survey vessels as a forward ope
Applicants @universe:ifu
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nfo_-_IFU',$connection); // randomly select a group of names from the database $sql = 'SELECT * FROM
Chairman William Jackson @universe:people
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at they are an anti-piracy weapon.) Jackson has supported the Alliance's traditionally close ties wit... s Alliance into a closer union. Jackson has also supported the expansion of the FWA and greater solida
Background @universe:ifu:t22
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ctice in newly established colonies, very low set up costs compared to farming and you need not do it ... . Over the year and a half since the farm was set up (well outside normal hunting areas for wild megad... octant. More importantly a valuable breeding group has recently gone missing (one male and three mature females - the potential income from this group if most of the eggs are grown to maturity is over
Logistics Support to the Combined Human Forces fighting in Sector EJ
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====== Logistics Support to the Combined Human Forces fighting in Sector EJ ====== The GORILLA Summit of T93 agreed that Humanity would support its fighting forces in Sector EJ with a logis... hain as at T101 start was: **MSN - 4 LSSI** [Supported from Q7] **CC - 1 LSSI** [hired T98, Supported from Q7] **RNV - 3 LSSI** [Supported fr
Earth Imperium News Items @universe:earth
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Our Man in Havana
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Report into Allegations that a Sentient Artificial Intelligence Device (SAID) was developed by the Greater Asteel Federation Colonial Government based at Over in Quadrant Five.
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power committee to be formed to oversee the clean-up process headed by the Chair of the Q5 GFA Senate ... attached to Governor Potato, he was an unwitting dupe. | <html><font color=green>Complete</font></html
The Bailey Report
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all their sources in the Governor's office dried up suddenly and they found it impossible to replace ... and human-cyborg interface technologies. She put up a considerable fight, killing 4 GF soldiers and w... ion that he could remember that related to the setup of TWIT was the secondment of 2 x LSSI to work fo... re absent from the fleet. He also authorised the upgrade to the autopilot systems on the pacifiers at
Stephen Bailey @universe:people
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12 Hits, Last modified:
from surface must cycle. * 1 LSSI (MSN) - logs support to vessels in system (regardless of nationali... from surface must cycle. * 1 LSSI (MSN) - logs support to vessels in system (regardless of nationali
Odyssey Mission
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d Sight ====== Operation Second Sight is a follow-up mission to the Boldy Go civilisation, launched by... some invited MAFC scientists. The MAFC is also supplying SV support to this mission. The RNV sent two SSXI Interstellar Survey Vessels. The first arri... ====== Operation Third Kind is a Venerian follow-up mission. {{tag>universe background boldlygo seco
Interstellar Forerunner Foundation @universe:iff
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nner Foundation ====== An inter-polity academic group dedicated to sharing research on [[welcome]].
Forerunners @universe:iff
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Master Map of the Universe 3212 @universe:background
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Operation Boldly Go - Military @universe:boldlygo
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Randomly Generated Officers @universe:earth
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The Free Worlds Alliance-Z155 War @universe:7wda
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Deadlock War of Unification @universe:q1:deadlock
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Church of the Seventh Coming @universe:c7c
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Deadlock @universe:q1
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Operation Boldly Go @universe:boldlygo
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Percentage, Q8 @universe:q8
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Free Worlds Alliance
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Lamster Summit Meeting @universe:7wda
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Z155 @universe:q8
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Nearby Systems @universe:ifu
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Thompson Bequerel @universe:people
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Lamster @universe:7wda
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Lady Aelfreda Pasco @universe:people
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T99 - The Lesser of Two Evils? @universe:havana
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Senator Danso Ashanti @universe:people
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Ankh @universe:7wda
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Spuk, Q8 @universe:q8
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Earth Imperium of the Solar Republic @universe:earth
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Operation Boldly Go @universe:boldlygo
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Nose @universe:7wda
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T93 - No Command Economy for Earth @universe:earth:news
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T93 - We Are At War @universe:earth:news
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Morris Miller @universe:people
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Brittany Hevanitski @universe:people
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Blue Hope Colony, T178, Q8 @universe:ifu:t24
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Killiekrankie @universe:7wda
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Economics of Megadon Ranching @universe:economics
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Universe Background @universe:background
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T24 Timeline @universe:ifu:t24
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Micheal Wilson @universe:people
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T83 - Sunshine Fund Established @universe:earth:news
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Old News @universe:earth
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IFU Articles of Association @universe:ifu
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Hermione Xen @universe:people
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T80 - Ashanti Assures Hookum @universe:earth:news
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T79 - Davo Delight @universe:earth:news
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Robert Stassen Jr. @universe:people
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T77 - IEN New Year Honours @universe:earth:news
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People listed by Occupation @universe:people
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T77 - IEN Promotions and Postings @universe:earth:news
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Sir Karla Gnough-Duff, KLH @universe:people
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officers2 @universe:earth
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officers @universe:earth
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King Don Incorporated @universe:ifu:t22
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Advance Recce Report @universe:ifu:t22
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T75 - Armstrong Actions Audited @universe:earth:news
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Yehudi Sharan @universe:people
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Universe Personalities @universe:people
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Senator Hilmi Ozkok @universe:earth:people
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Frank Buck @universe:people
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Jack Rackham @universe:people
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Lord Stephen Bailey @universe:people
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Hilmi Ozkok @universe:people
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Senator Lee Zhang @universe:people
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People Categories @universe:people
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Imperial Party (IP) @universe:earth:politics
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Senator Danso Tupac Ashanti, LoH @universe:earth:people
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Firstname Surname @universe:people
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T75 - Boldly Go Mission Report @universe:earth:news
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T75 - Massive Expansion of IEN? @universe:havana
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T74 - Armstrong's Auditors @universe:havana
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T75 - Wrong ToOL for Attacking HEBs... @universe:havana
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First Minister's Golden Stool @universe:havana
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Eat Vacuum Red Eyed Freaks @universe:havana
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Navy! Navy! Navy! @universe:havana
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Earth Imperium Politics @universe:earth:people
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First Citizen to Address Senate? @universe:havana
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Flag Captain Yaw Dumgya Ashanti @universe:earth:people
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Government in the Solar Republic @universe:earth:people
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Second Space Lord @universe:earth:govt:mil
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Admiralty @universe:earth:govt:mil
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Megadon Ranching
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Constitution of the Solar Republic @universe:earth:govt
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Senator Lee Zhang @universe:earth:people
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Senator Sebastian Rathbone @universe:earth:people
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IEN New Constructions to 3208.149 @universe:earth:news
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Zhang Scandal Shocks Senate @universe:earth:news
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New Year at Home for the 22nd! @universe:earth:news
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Grand Admiral to Retire @universe:earth:news
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IEN Construction Plans for 3208 @universe:earth:news
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Imperial Party Leadership Latest @universe:earth:news
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Admiral Sir George Tryon, IEN @universe:earth:people
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Sir Humphrey Fulbright @universe:earth:people
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Staff engaged for Lakshmi tender @universe:ifu
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Mission Procedures for Lakshmi @universe:ifu
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Clewgist Temple, Goof Ball @universe:ifu
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Recruitment @universe:ifu
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