e INN as captured on 3207.240 by the Xyonist Navy after a failed assault on the mining orbital Base-F lo... adrant Capital where he spent 93 days recovering. After his release from hospital he was sent on an NCO c... rt-time Marine and a bit of a gun nut.
Sometime after 3192 he joined the crew of a pirate ship, his exa
ferring as to Quadrant 8 as a Lieutenant in 3143. After a post on board the ESS Agamemnon he transferred ... Party to nominate its own First Minister. Shortly afterwards the First Citizen appointed him as the Imper
ad to his rapid promotion to Corporal only a year after completing Marine training while serving on a Car... was again wounded (at Matanzas against pirates). After a year of this he was posted to the Marine Traini
Academy where he excelled in rhetoric and debate. After school he went to Triton as an officer candidate ... appointed Governor of Quadrant 5. He was recalled after the elections of 3201 and served as the Minister
he did not see any action, and was a businessman afterwards. He is of upper middle class circumstances.... party system as a “political oligopoly.”
Shortly after his speech, polls showed Miller at 7%. During the
fficient service credits to complete her studies. After a few years service she joined the Special Forces... minal wounds. She was operated on immediately and after all the shell splinters had been removed she was