his warning was not received by Lord Bailey until after the operation had commenced.
On entry to the TWI... bore htis out as the first reference to SAID was after the implant in his neck.
The funding of TWIT had... ad no knowledge of anything to do with SAID until after the MAFC operation began. The only information th... ====
Oyama was captured by the MAFC Ground Force after a hard fight during which she personally inflicte
though a VIKING module appeared at L'Fayette just after the start of the conference).
In total the power... n people), one Martian colony (with another saved after bombardment by Exterminators) (3.8 million people... ide other sectors - advisory, even military? ====
After some discussion on the merits of sending military
Academy where he excelled in rhetoric and debate. After school he went to Triton as an officer candidate ... appointed Governor of Quadrant 5. He was recalled after the elections of 3201 and served as the Minister
ign Minister - Sebastian Rathbone ======
After discussion with the First Citizen the First Minis... to the rank of Rear Admiral in the Fleet Reserve after commanding a Battleship Squadron in the Earth Def
t Century to take a stronger republican slant but after the secession of the Republic of New Venus most o... be returned by the First Citizen within ten Days after it shall have been presented to him, it shall bec