was 17, having first served Queen Caoimhe. Originally appointed because of his father’s connections he... l battles in the civil war, and Iain Alpin was in all of them. He fought valiantly, and dsitinguished h... e great nobles met their end at his hands. Eventually Iain followed when the Queen went out of Dael Ri... estored to his position, but the young King personally intervened and said he needed loyal servants tha
nd Duke of Reoch, King of Dael Riata, and as such all the Earls of the Kingdom are expected to swear lo... urrently engaged to be married to Lady Elizabeth Wallis. She is the heir to the [[:skyss:chars:bernicia... alth | income((how much their lands and trade usually generate annually)) | 4,858 |
^ | treasury((how much money do they have right now)) | 2,459 |
s a slightly built woman a little over five foot tall. Her green eyes sparkle mischievously under long ... er apparent age is in her mid-thirties. She is usually found in a group of women, with one female child... madic ways with her daughters.
The daughters usually stay with their mother, although most will spend... (b.671), Carla (b.689) and Clarinna (b.703). They all live in Estreham, not far from the temple.
* [
k and when they're not raiding abroad they are usually fishing in the inshore waters between the Easter... e of how much their lands and trade generates annually)) | 10 |
^ | treasury((how much money do t... ow)) | 19 |
==== Recent History ====
Earl Domnhall was one of the leaders of the coalition that over... place of the traditional Daelian gods that the small folk worshipped and the nobles had learnt to pray
ed, the Earl's father and his four elder brothers all having being lost at sea when their new flagship ... up the river Ard until the mountains proper. Overall there are about 50,000 people in Ardmor.
^ Type... e of how much their lands and trade generates annually)) | 439 |
^ | treasury((how much money do ... s. He remembers the reign of Alasdair IV (specifically the turmoil in the regency and its immediate aft
monstrably exist. The Skyssian Creation Story is called [[https://www.themself.org/2021/01/the-mothers-... not to manifest except under extreme conditions - all the pantheons have made tacit agreements to large... ine coupling, they may heal faster or be able to call on the powers of the Gods & Goddesses that they a
the Daels are impoverished. Many of their towns (all of the successful ones) are fortified, and fortle... substantial islands off the west coast, paradoxically called the Easter Isles. This name harks back to the days when there was no difference between the Da... e as skilled sailors and mercenaries there is a small shipbuilding industry from the two major ports [[
=== Stories ===
They are in the story
... appears - it is the setting for the short story called 'Wedding Party', and possibly intended to form ... of Daelian history Dalreoch has multiple curtain walls around the King's Keep, the old town, the mercha... ag O' Nails - on the Merchant's Road between the walls of the Merchant City and the Outer Bailey of Dal
owledges the other.
===== Appearance =====
Like all the gods Mallfin can change her appearance. She often appears as a dark skinned woman with long, raven... ack hair and fully black eyes. Her clothes are usually a dark indigo colour, like the sky at midnight, ... easting on the meat cooked on the sacred fire. Usually the feasting is done outdoors, away from the fir
me of these are older than others, and you can usually tell the off-shoot families by their red stripes... er a tower triple towered celestial azure shown smaller | vert bend sanguine a seagull argent volant ... d gules below one martlett orange volante shown smaller a tree proper | Per-pale double arched estoill... n chief throughout five apples Or. Fesse azure a galley sanguine | Per bend sinister indented Vert and
e for generations.
The seat of the Earl is the walled city of Norpen, a very densely populated stone ... e of how much their lands and trade generates annually)) | 15 |
^ | treasury((how much money do t... spent four years as the regent, from 765-9. Initially he was chosen for his close relation to the King... early introduction to the murky world of politics allowed the King to assert his right to rule in his m
rt winter. If there isn't a Long Summer, and the Fall Moon starts within 12 days of the Autumn equinox ... g Winter', otherwise there's a Short Year.
Typically the moons are broken into four 7 day sections, t... est Moon | Harvest Moon | Harvest Moon |
| Fall Moon | Fall Moon | Fall Moon |
| [[:skyss:pantheon:jorunn]]'s Moon | [[:skyss:pantheon:jorunn]
red|Helga the Red]] and they live above the main hall on Straven.
Bjorn Johansson is by far the oldes... ips:seagull]] first docks at Straven the Captain calls him //The Counter of Battles//.
His battle gear is plain black, with white tally marks around the outside of the shield. There are many tally marks on the shield, rumours differ. Some say th
there are three smokehouses downwind of the main halls that the community lives in. These run most of t... there are enough fish to keep the community going all winter. Fresh fish are eaten when the boats come ... on the weather & tides).
The houses are two parallel tenements running inland from the jetty. The bo
* Political Analysis. This department analyses all the information sent back and advises the [[King]... A sub-department of the Secretariat that takes in all the incoming mail from regional operations, forei... the Merchant Guilds, along with access to the locally produced guides that each port team produces.
... sand Board of Trade outposts across the world, in all significant ports and along trade routes used by