" in 2880)) of the pan-human polity now known formally as 'The Solar Republic' and more often colloquially refered to as simply 'Earth' or the 'Earth Empire... ssion of the Republic of New Venus most of those calling for the stricter central rule left to settle i... eedom from oppression and economic prosperity for all of humanity both now and in the future.
===== P
====== Report into Allegations that a Sentient Artificial Intelligence Device (SAID) was developed by t... resentatives to determine the exact nature of the allegations that they had made and what had drawn the... try and find the source of this success. However all their sources in the Governor's office dried up s... possible, which is very unusual for anyone, especially those involved in GFA politics.
Other sources o
the camp of its enemies. First Minister Ashanti called for concerted action from the Senate and People... ng the umbrella of Imperium protection to those small and less fortunate systems that no-one else cares... s is the true mission of the Imperium, protecting all those that want to live a free life. Free from th... ming of the second exterminator invasion gives us all a clear choice. Do we want to protect humanity an
erations on Amoss.
We are pleased to be able to allay fears on this score. Cooperation from all local Imperial armed forces and civil bodies was prompt and complete in all cases. Local military and political leaders were ... (from Governor Armstrong and IEN High Command) at all times, and in what he judged to be the best inter
Shanghai in the 3166 elections. Aged 54 he officially retired his IAO post.
For the first ten years i... entifying several areas for improvement, but generally giving the organisation a clean bill of health.
... xterminator War and a series of military debacles allowed him to catch and ride a wave of criticism of ... ked to reinvigorate the war effort, and forge new alliances, not least of which was the formation of th
e 98 members of the Grand Council of Senators((usually referred to simply as 'the Senate')) which meets... his Council tends to result in regularly shifting alliances and acts as a distinct brake on new or radi... al party, though voting is less influenced by so called party lines. Instead, particular issues are mo... ]. The party remains divided on the issue of formally adopting the title to the Earth Empire. The IP s
elections, [[:universe:people:danso_ashanti]] formally resigned as First Minister.
===== The Speech in Full =====
I have served the Empire loyally for over 70 years, and I will continue to serve ... ng the umbrella of Imperium protection to those small and less fortunate systems that no-one else cares... s is the true mission of the Imperium, protecting all those that want to live a free life. Free from th
commander in a battle against the Venerian Navy. All in the space of two years.
As First Space Lord ... ionary member of the Senate being sponsored personally by the First Citizen. He was elected as the memb... expansion and increases in military spending. Usually he votes with the Imperialist Party although he is not formally a member of any faction. If the Admiralty could
the MOD and the Imperial Earth Navy is the politically powerful Admiralty. Although there have been no ... rrently vacant (5*) has administrative command of all Interstellar Fleets.
* First Deputy has adminis... .
* First Deputy has administrative command of all the Home System Defence Squadrons (excluding the ... .
* Second Deputy has administrative command of all Construction, Training and the Support Fleets.
Rhett Elgon opened the conference by welcoming us all to Potomax and by impressing on us the importance... ectives set by Admiral Burwasher were ratified by all powers.
===== 2. JAC Mission =====
JAC should be... int Intelligence Committee & Executive body =====
All present agreed to set up a Unified Intelligence T... NIT) based at Potomax and chaired by the Sirians. All powers would share the capture or interception of
ummary of Findings of the Bailey Report into SAID Allegations at Over, Q5 ======
===== Summary of Actions =====
The Enquiry found that the allegations that a SAID had been developed at Over, Q... e implanted at the instructions of the SAID which allowed it to take control of aspects of the GFA Colo...
<table border = 1>
<tr align=top>
<li>All SAID hardware to be destroyed
<td align=top
====== IEN Admiral Allen Exercises Against Exterminators Q5 3208.001-080 ======
A senior IEN Admiral l... blish a base, and then moving out in ESB pairs.
All ESBs arrived at Vorlon initially, on day 001 of the exercise. We allowed a 'standard' observed 50 days for the ESBs to destroy each ma
st time for decades that any party has had an overall majority of the Senate, and heralds a change in t... ring the second quarter (by 3211.201). But, unusually no decision has yet been reached on the post of... the strengthened Imperial Party who are seeking alliances with smaller groupings over two or more possible candidates. This will eventually be followed b