ing it.
From the papers it becomes apparent that all the murders were committed on foogy nights. The s... ace within three days either side of a Full Moon. All the victims were non-native sailors, none were robbed and all had their larynx ripped out. Two of them were found with their trousers round their ankles. All were on the waterfront and slightly off the main
ople and ensures that no-one goes hungry and that all have a part to play in the great wheel of life. I... r, Daprav looks after the people and ensures that all goes according to his grand plan.
All citizens go through a community service programme in their late... here are eight agents in the patrol (although not all are player characters) and they are lead by one o
he ministry.
- **Archbishop** (There are 40 all based in Templeton and working in Ministries). Tw... etween the gold stripes.
- **Cardinal** (60 all based in Templeton, but around half are repsonsib
nistrative centres for the surrounding villages.
All [[:daprav:background:ministries|administration]] ... lly confined to enclaves in the major towns where all trade is conducted. Those that manage to penetrat