All these games are based on teams racing against each other.
===== Crackers =====
**Props:** Cream C... te is a stack of crackers and some balloons. They each eat one cracker, followed by blowing up the ballo... ing that station a parent or adult helper next to each plate to help out if required.
===== Penguins =... g)
**Time:** Fairly quick
**Instructions:** Each team must race to the other end of the hall and b
ith the kids evenly spaced and not quite touching each other as they sit cross legged round the perimete... he beavers round the circle so that there are 3-4 each with the same number. The leader then calls out a
ee the tray, and uncovers it for one minute. Then each of them must make a list on a piece of paper of a... eavers need to be split into groups of about 4-6. Each group gets a paper plate with about five or six s