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Subject: Boldly Go Science Team on IEN Odyssey - Mr A. Steel
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mission. Below is the correspondence between the Earther admin [played by me at the moment] and Jurrien.... he SSR to have its personnel under the command of Earther officers or on Earther ships, but we have indicated at an earlier stage that the Sirian citizens on th... their own account. Although the government of the Earther Empire has acnowledged its breach of the New Lo
Operation Boldly Go
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Operation Boldly Go
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t regular intervals from when the fleet left from Earth until it turned for home. Here are the headline ... * At a New Year dinner Sir Edmund Khayam, former Earth Ambassador to New Venus, was able to ease tension... a series of amusing anecdotes about Venerian and Earther society. ==== Report 2 - Received 3203.350 ==... Martian-Venerian-Wolfer-Centauri exercise and an Earther-Sirian-GFA-Xyonist exercise. * The expedition
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