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Herman Wolfe @dg:berlin
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f work brought him to the attention of another SS group whom he joined in 1940. ===== Sonderkommando K ... nded by Standartenfuhrer((SS Colonel)) Hecht. The group was a mixture of anthropologists, sociologists, m... ow under nazi control. The primary thing that the group was looking for were references to magic and othe
Democratic Army For Truth
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You are all members of an international pressure group that investigates strange phenomenon and tries to... nto alien technology and UFOs. Your part of the group is currently working on several projects, which a
Discoveries in the Basement @dg:berlin
2 Hits, Last modified:
Gustav Horst @dg:berlin
1 Hits, Last modified:
Narrative @dg:berlin
1 Hits, Last modified:
= Game: Fri 5 June 1953 ==== After some sleep the group split up to take several things forward. * [[w
Captain Parr @dg:berlin
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