roots in the West African Ashante nation. He has had a distinguished career in the IEN ending up as th... ve significantly expanded colonisation from Earth had it not been vetoed by the [[lee_zhang|Lee Zhang]]... daughter).
In his immediate family the Senator had two brothers (one older and one younger) and two ... ed the Pacifier Wing at the Academy.
By 3165 he had reached the rank of Rear Admiral and was appointe
nt by the age of 25. During this time he married, had two daughters and completed a university degree i... .
Returning to Akira he discovered that his wife hadhad an affair when he was away. Devastated by the betrayal he decided that he had to leave Akira as soon as possible to avoid the u
th in 3173 she studied medecine at university but had to discontinue her studies because of a lack of f... Karla was wounded in the head. A stretcher bearer had been sent to the aid post to tell Karla to return... ost was either killed or seriously wounded. Karla had received four or five wounds, the worst being a g... on immediately and after all the shell splinters had been removed she was patched up. She regained con
e in his entry to the XMC as his psych evaluation had shown him to be a thrill seeker and borderline in... the DS.
The Board of Inquiry found that Sharan had been negligent, but that so also had the DS who hadn’t checked that the platoon were all on the same IFF code, especially since this was a
te ====
His cover was perfect for this role as he had been made a probationary Senator under the tutela... domestic and part of their charitable foundation, had been working for some years for Martian Intellige
in the Imperium's cultural life, Lord Bailey has had a rich and distinguished career in broadcasting, ... to]], who went on to become President of the GFA, had been involved in the creation of the illegal AI C