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The Ministries
5 Hits, Last modified:
====== The Ministries ====== There are eight major Ministries and a host of smaller specialised offices... a District or a Head of Division in a Ministry, there are around 250 in Templeton). One thick silver st... st level of Senior Priests who wear black robes. there are 110 Bishops based in Templeton). Has one gold... pe showing the ministry. - **Archbishop** (There are 40 all based in Templeton and working in Mini
The Theocracy's History
2 Hits, Last modified:
chool is the history of the Theocracy of Daprav. There was a time in the past where greed ruled everywhere and people were allowed to starve and die while others accumulated excessive wea
4 Hits, Last modified:
the fastest to the ball and may even score from there. Last, but by no means least, come the attackers... e shrunk onto the core to ensure a tight fit and therefore allow the ball to bounce. Protective equipme... nitial start line’ or the ‘zero line’ as that is where a team that has yet to score will stand when the ... am scoring). On either side of the four-yard box there is a line ten yards from the box for the umpire t
The Theocracy of Daprav
2 Hits, Last modified:
ch can be found every three to five miles or so. There are small towns every twenty to thirty miles whic... a large number of people in a variety of roles. There is some private enterprise but this is limited as... usually confined to enclaves in the major towns where all trade is conducted. Those that manage to pene... the interior tend to be escorted firmly back to where they belong. The [[:daprav:characters|PCs]] come
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