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Murder! - Part 2
4 Hits, Last modified:
eating breakfast, a pastry, and drinking coffee. There is a cigar that has gone out in an ash-tray on hi... each side with a window looking out on the city. There is the desk, a meeting table, half a dozen chairs... and a filing cabinet. On every available surface there are piles and piles of papers, including on the f... he previous murder had been eight weeks earlier. There had been four foggy nights since then, two immedi
Murder! - Part 3
2 Hits, Last modified:
Supply - 5 pairs They then move on to checking where the people are with the various Ministries. ====... leton. ==== Office of Religious Orthodoxy ==== There's a little less help here, but they get a look at the file and both pairs issued show as having been re
Murder! - Part 4
4 Hits, Last modified:
chbishop is their senior commander, so they know where his office is, although he's several levels above... ect some special delivery for Fort Albany. While there they discover that the Archbishop is out for the ... rchbishop Hugh speaking to the students. By luck there is a question and answer session in progress. The... rol return to Archbishop Hugh's office. He isn't there, but Deacon Marius is. There are a stack of seale
4 Hits, Last modified:
ass. However Gregory decides to tail him and see where he goes while the others investigate the scream. ... to the now silent fog. A few metres in front of where they were they find a body in a large pool of blo... throat cut out, the whole larynx is missing and there is lots and lots of blood. Also on the paved emba... e bloody footprint leading away from the body to where Ostler and Melody have come from. The make a copy
Sometimes They Come Back - Act 2
4 Hits, Last modified:
f the tavern for a debrief the following morning there is a disturbance out the back. Five skeletons bre... find it much changed from their previous visit. There appear to have been a large number of graves opened up, and there was an air of activity round the temples that hadn't been there before. Warily the three agents approached the t
Sometimes They Come Back - Act 1
8 Hits, Last modified:
lefield (lights, noise etc). They also hear that there have been a few disappearances in the last few we... le of them go over to the Church and find no-one there. The three of them that go to the battlefield however find someone there, and they aren't friendly. They get there just as night falls and see some tents just as the light fail
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