on reports =====
JAC brought us up to date on the military situation in quadrant 7. (See JAC report for full... tem 1. Politics should not dictate the details of military missions.
===== 3. Establish a Joint Intelligenc... h powers to ensure that shortages or surpluses of military stores do not develop. Decisions are to be made a... nce can we provide other sectors - advisory, even military? ====
After some discussion on the merits of send
odies was prompt and complete in all cases. Local military and political leaders were closely questioned, an... ng, in mid-3207, authorised overt aid and
direct military involvement to deter Sirian attempts to regain th... enerally. We have carefully examined all possible military options for resolution of this matter and found t... how long it takes undiminished, the only possible military solution would be to drive off local forces (poss
ial evidence was taken from the MAFC Governor and Military representatives to determine the exact nature of ... Strucker became a freelance. Like Schmidt he has military experience, apparently having once been a pacifie
licitous Sirians breached the agreement to remove military forces from within the M25 of Amoss and have enga... meantime the IEN will continue to escort any non-military vessel requesting it from the M25 into Amoss. Att
ptain in 3145 and serving several years as deputy Military Attache to the Wolf Commonwealth.
==== Career in... ent start of the Exterminator War and a series of military debacles allowed him to catch and ride a wave of
ong had ordered the mobilisation of a significant military infrastructure in Q6. Without reference to Q0, h... the Marches HQ and the unlawful construction of a military class shipyard in Q6. He also appears to have re
tle to the Earth Empire. The IP supports a strong military and a policy of gradual, natural and peaceful exp... duction in standards of living to support massive military growth. The part has stood solidly behind [[Zhan
iew =====
Danso Tupac Ashanti is descended from a military family having its roots in the West African Ashan... nt of further colonial expansion and increases in military spending. Usually he votes with the Imperialist P
casualties is totally unacceptable. Even against military targets nuclear weapons should be an absolute las... . Should it be required we are also ready to lend military assistance to the people of 'We Got Here' at thei