miles. Only a little of the island is cultivated, most of it is woodland or rough grazing for the sheep ... he second. They have a single fishing boat with almost enough people to crew a second. Most of their living is from fishing in the seas to the West of the Isl... fficient. There's also meat from the spare sheep, most of the male lambs being used for various sacrific
[[:skyss:chars:daels:ranald|Ranald family]] for almost three hundred years, before that there was a two ... cadet branch of Ranald installed on the Northern most islands as a foil to the Muchardhs.
* The [[:s
ble taverns, famed for the quality of its wines - most of which are imported from southern [[:skyss:plac... here are several notable taverns in Dalreoch, the most famous of which are:
* The King's Head - the ol
This coin had a small hole drilled where the top-most of the seven coins went.
{{ :skyss:places:skyss_...
Skyss is a non-hereditary Kingdom. Established almost 800 years ago it was founded by the [[heroes|Coll