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#5. Of these, the Original Colony is the oldest, most populous and most powerful. The five colonies have formed a Committee of Planetary Unity which usually
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Generally a body can do what they please. However most jobs rely on a level of competence or ability to ... of secondary colonists from New Scotland in 3104. Most of these had left as a result of the accession of
After Action Report on the Floralpattern Convoy Ambush, Z155 @universe:7wda:z155war
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rear vehicle were destroyed as planned, although most of the troops in the sangar continued to fight. T... sources have since reported that Floralpattern is most likely to be in a secret bunker below the Governm
The Free Worlds Alliance-Z155 War
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capitol. Resistance was sporadic and ineffective. Most ZCC soldiers ditched their uniforms and went home
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