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Murder! - Part 3
10 Hits, Last modified:
was the last he had been seen alive. The crew reckoned that he would be able to handle himself in a fig... hie clearly knows a lot about boots, more than anyone sane would wish to know. They show him the boor p... course, people at that level would have more than one set of footwear, as they'd be authorised for shoe... e various Ministries. ==== Ministry of Food ==== One pair was issued to a Deacon in their personnel de
Sometimes They Come Back - Act 1
10 Hits, Last modified:
heir way to the Inn which is the only permanent stone structure in the village, the Church is a large w... couple of them go over to the Church and find no-one there. The three of them that go to the battlefield however find someone there, and they aren't friendly. They get there j... temple and a much older temple constructed from stone. There is also a pen with some animals in it. The
Murder! - Part 2
5 Hits, Last modified:
, and drinking coffee. There is a cigar that has gone out in an ash-tray on his desk. The room is about... y links. Harrison sneers slightly but gestures to one of the piles of papers and says that they are wel... the murders is 3 weeks and the longest 6 months. None of the murders took place within three days eithe... l Moon. All the victims were non-native sailors, none were robbed and all had their larynx ripped out.
3 Hits, Last modified:
Stop!" And receives the reply, in authoritarian tones: "Stand Aside! I shall be on my way." The urge ... the river bank for a bit and then up Temple Way, one of the main streets of the City, leading from Sir... , and drinking coffee. There is a cigar that has gone out in an ash-tray on his desk. The room is about
Sometimes They Come Back - Act 2
3 Hits, Last modified:
, which takes a matter of minutes. Once this is done they go out the front of the Inn as they hear cri... to fight the necromancer and two of his henchmen. One of the henchmen was neatly beheaded by a lucky strike from Ostler, another was chased done and captured by Flynn. Ostler and Gregory dealt w
Murder! - Part 4
2 Hits, Last modified:
it off from them to investigate the Chief Priest, one of their other two remaining suspects. The other ... f sealed packets on the private secretary's desk. One for each of the patrol and another for the comman
Entry to Templeton
1 Hits, Last modified:
he Patriarch. It is also a communications hub and one of the largest cities in the state. Moments afte
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