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anaged for building ships. Several shipyards line one of the channels, known as 'the yards'. There is... e been educated there, and the 'Library Annex' is one of Dalreoch's notable taverns, famed for the qual... d by the Guild of Physicians * New Bridge Inn - one of the older continuously open taverns in Dalreoc... cessive drinking when successful deals have been done. * The Bunch O' Grapes - just inside the Old No
Grand Duchy of Dael Riata
3 Hits, Last modified:
ished. Many of their towns (all of the successful ones) are fortified, and fortlets and castles abound ... ds to the Ruary dynasty, which died out (although one of their cadet branches, the [[:skyss:chars:daels... V, Grand Duke of Reoch]]. He succeeded to the throne as a baby when his mother, [[:skyss:chars:daels:c
3 Hits, Last modified:
their boat captain [[:skyss:chars:old_bjorn]] is one of the electors of the [[:skyss:other:lord_isles|... s running inland from the jetty. The boat shed on one side with a ramp into the beach. There's a barn a
Board of Trade
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[BoT_members|President of the Board of Trade]] is one of the [[Electors]] of the [[king]]. === Stori... e organisation, possibly the largest non-military one in the world. Broadly it has the following depart
Kingdom of Skyss
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than raiding as the primary activity. Skyss has gone from being a dangerous backwater on questionably
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